Friday, 30 August 2019

Artificial Intelligence - Exactly what it is?

Artificial Intelligence or more commonly called acronym- AI, is an advanced technology wherein machines can perform human-like activities and daily tasks with the help of computerized learning and comprehending abilities. To put it simply, AI is a computer technology which does tasks for humans in a way that it seems be using human intelligence to carry them out but it’s really a learned and trained technology or system that operates so automatically. It is a field of study which allows the machines to exhibit intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence has been instrumental with its purpose of inception i.e. to eliminate or deplete human physical efforts for various tasks so that humans can focus on other important works and save time alongside.
The roots of this technology date as early as 1950s and a lot of research has gone into enhancing the technology since to be able to bring it to where it is today. The usage has been far and wide in several domains of our lives today which often times go unnoticed. It is because of AI’s smooth entry into our lives, the sheer beauty of this technology in adapting human intelligence can be seen in the fact that we hardly notice it. Some of the daily use AI examples can be seen in voice driven technology like Alexa, Siri, Hound, humanoid robots like Sophia, etc.
While experts are evolving this technology rapidly to be used in many other ways to support industries, Sphinx Worldbiz is contributing to make AI more accessible to companies worldwide, thus doing its part in technological advancements.

Monday, 19 August 2019

Which coding language is required for Blockchain?

Have you ever thought why it is nearly impossible to steal information or data from the blockchain? Well, the right coding and blockchain programming is the reason behind the high-level security. There are several different types of languages to code or program the blockchain projects such as C++, Python, JavaScript, etc.
Since blockchain stores critical information, it is imperative to secure the data with leak or tamper-proof coding to support the very idea of blockchain creation. To achieve this, some programmers prefer to code in simple and immutable programming language. Java allows this as once it verifies a block or as they say- the ‘block is hashed’, it is impossible to make amendments with the information.
C++ allows effective resource management and efficient access over storage, hence, one of the favorite languages for most of the blockchain programmers. Projects like Ethereum, and Bitcoin are coded in C++.
Simplicity is yet another factor required to conceive a successfully operational blockchain based project. Often programmers use Python framework for this as this allows the output to be simple and minimalist. It also allows to perform many tasks with just a single command.
Like Java, Solidity is a contract and high-level based coding language. Portable blockchain platforms like Ethereum have been written in this language only. Although, the language is new in the market but Sphinx Worldbiz has the best-in-class professional team offering expertise to create comprehensive script for your blockchain based requirements.
It is one of the best emerging blockchain programming languages for creating Hyperledger fabric. All you need is namely classes, generics, annotations, inheritance, and annotations to create the first blockchain.
The tech-oriented epoch has flourished with multiple programming languages. Tightly done coding has been instrumental in this development and specially with blockchain, the given amount of security has only been possible using the best-in-class coding languages, some of them are mentioned above. The rest to look out for are Ruby, C#, JavaScript, Simplicity, Rust, Rholang, CX, PHP, Vyper and Scilla.

Friday, 16 August 2019

IT Outsourcing Evolution

Information Technology has been one of the fastest growing industries at global stage providing lucrative solutions to every other industry, leading to revolutionary results and changing the face of technological growth charts of many countries. The global businesses are changing, and IT outsourcing has been a huge help. Categorized into two- hardware and software development, IT industry has the largest private sector employers in India. From witnessing a hostile economy to conquering over 67% of the global IT outsourcing market, the industry has come a long way.
India is a leading destination for global companies seeking to outsource their non-core activates such as services, businesses, and high-end processes. But, do you think this would have been so easy like it seems today? Were there any challenges faced by our industry or it was just a piece of cake?
The Beginning of an Era: IT Outsourcing in India in 90s
India witnessed the unfurling of IT opportunities and challenges in 1968. Tata Group was the pioneer of nuclear sector and aviation and initiated its IT establishment in Mumbai. But the industry faced crisis with each step forward, as skilled and intellectual IT professionals immigrated to US and other countries for better IT scope and experience. It was a phase when US immigration laws were relaxed, and Indian wages and payments were not at par compared to other nations. There were several reasons that became obstacles in the foundation of IT outsourcing in India such as shortage of trained and skilled manpower, less young employees with good command over the English language, cut-throat competition, and non-existence of social security laws.
The Year 1991 is known as the early of IT sector as the new economic policy was formulated under the supervision of the then Prime Minister of India Shri Narasimha Rao and finance minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. India led its way to globalization as the liberalization policies diluted the socialist authorizations.
Where Does the Indian IT Outsourcing Stand Today Globally?
India is home to some of the finest IT companies of the world including Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), WIPRO, and International Business Machines Corporation (IBM). Presently, the sector holds over 75% global talent and remarks approximately 67% of the total global outsourcing market.
The progress and achievement data of Indian IT outsourcing is huge and commendable. While challenging its core competencies, the sector has attracted many significant investments from the foremost countries worldwide. According to National Association of Software & Service Companies (NASSCOM), India’s contribution in the global outsourcing market rose to 55% from 51% between 2009 to 2010. Leading global companies are not only looking for cost-effective IT solutions but also for capable staffing solutions, and business process excellence.
Future Trends of IT Outsourcing in India- More human-driven processes will be favoured
The late 2000s economic recession gave a big jolt to the IT outsourcing in India. Experts are now expecting more advantage and thriving trends for the coming years. Outsourcing has always been about cost reduction coupled with quick turn-around. However, the coming years will witness lesser focus on reducing costs. Solely price-oriented process will be eliminated. Instead, the relationship will become more human-driven among outsourced software developers and the clients. The industry will bring system integration for their clients. Risk of the projects will be shared equally by both the ends.
The coming years for IT outsourcing will be more driven towards specialization of manpower and skills. Companies will bid services under a single roof to stand out from the crowd. According to the Statista Report from 2017, India and China will become leading outsourcing countries , thus facing cut-throat competition from the top countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
The age of Automation
The global business process of outsourcing market will grasp around $220 billion by 2020 according to a Global Industry Analytics report. Meanwhile, experts are forecasting that automation will become crucial soon as markets are planning to involve bots and virtual agents to streamline their business projects and growth. On the other hand, cloud computing will increase its demand by 2020 and will impact $1 trillion in IT, as predicted by Gartner.
IT outsourcing has come a long way and 2019 has shown a promising future for businesses and software developers. Considering all above mentioned factors, IT outsourcing boom is inevitable encompassing every sector; employment and GDP will be positively affected for the country unless another recession hits the economy.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Advantages of Outsourcing IT services

Information Technology (IT) is an integral part of every business be it a product based business, a service based or one that is market oriented. To conduct any business in the 21’st century, all companies depend heavily upon IT and this is the reason the maintenance costs on this area is so high. So, it is always a wise step on the part of small and medium companies to outsource IT services from any reliable firms that provide such managed & full IT services.

By IT outsourcing, it is meant to contract a full service consulting firm who would be performing various kinds of IT functions for the business. This vendor would exactly work like an extended family for the business. So business growth is as important to the vendor as it is for the company because they are tied together to aim for one and the same target.

Advantages of IT Outsourcing

For product based company, it is vital to focus upon the product quality and not worry too much as to what they want to buy or what would sell more in an economy. The main focus is on creating a perfect product. Also, for product oriented businesses, it is quiet easier to adapt for outsourcing its product as, once design is created, it can be sent to another factory for production and this helps the business save on costs.

Let’s analyze the advantages of outsourcing IT services from a managed Service provider and how it can impact the overall growth of the business.
  1. Limit IT Expenditure- By outsourcing, business pay simply for what they use. It actually helps the business to convert their fixed IT costs into variable costs thereby allowing the business to budget effectively.
  2. Minimize the Labor Cost- Simply hiring a labor is not enough but they also need to be trained to enhance their productivity level towards the business. This training of the staff can be very expensive and at times, temporary employees do not live up to the expectations of the company. So by outsourcing such services, the business can focus in a much better way on human resources where it is required the most.
  3. Qualified, Trained & Experienced Professionals- For a companies whose management is not IT domain experts, knowing and understanding all the intricacies of IT related is tough. Having said so, it does not imply work should get affected. This is the reason, relying upon IT service providers can be really beneficial as it helps one receive an experienced consultancy as well as managed services in this areas.
  4. Doubles up the Efficiency & Competitiveness- Organizations which decide on outsourcing their IT services receive better research, development and implementation benefits that assist businesses to increase their productivity level and deliver the best to customers.
  5. Helps Business Stay Focused- Companies can focus on their core business when they do not get distracted by complex IT decisions which is also vital for the business. Thus, by outsourcing IT services, companies know they can stay assured that all their IT complexities will be tackled adequately by the managed service firm.

Thus, for businesses to grow at a steady pace, it is the most feasible option to outsource IT services from a full service IT outsourcing company than think of setting up an in-house department.

Sources: It Outsourcing | Virtual It Staffing | IT Outsourcing company

What Are The Negative Impacts Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

None of the modern technologies are completely devoid of some negatives to its applications. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a classic case of technology in jeopardy where a lot of ill-effects and apprehensions keep doing rounds. There are two opposition groups- one in appreciation who idealize a foreseeable successful future of the technology versus those who are apprehensive of the effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) . The cause and effects however must both be considered while elaborating our research and use of any technology for a better understanding of the chances we have with its large-scale boom.
AI is most commonly concerned to be hazardous in future primarily because of the technology’s nature to get uncontrollable beyond a point. The extreme affects of AI that we have seen in the cinema has been been a representation of the negative manifestation of the technology gets beyond the controllers’ controls. Some believe that AI might turn conscious and that would be topple the mankind but that isn’t true. Any uncontrollable situation only arises if the technology is misaligned with goals that weren’t meant to be. Superintelligence is feared for the same reason.
So much for the myths. Let’s focus more on the contemporary and practical limitations to this sophisticated technology are:
Infrastructure costs- The high cost of infrastructure involved in building, repairing and rebuilding AI driven machines and systems can be extremely daunting and high end for the IT companies and investors to carry out the entire project.
Costly Storage- Database storage is quite expansive and might not even yield the expected results on memory retrieval the way humans can.
Genuine AI Experts- Dearth of expert AI developers is what the real problem is. Companies ready to invest in AI projects fall short of talent and skills to promote the work. At Sphinx Worldbiz, a team of skilled professional AI experts lead the way with their experience in this technology.
Slow software development- With few experienced programmers around, software development also suffers.
Few AI products have been developed so far to be able to rule the market. This way it is too soon to say that AI will take over mankind one day. In all honesty, we do not have enough proofs to support the argument.
Unemployment- Many fear that robots can cause extinction of men doing the jobs leading to severe unemployment as most of the physical work might eventually be carried out by the AI driven machines and systems.

What is the need of Artificial intelligence?

We are living in the age of rapid population growth leading to demand and supply chain. The technology therefore needs a kick every no...