Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Ruling the Business World through Global Outsourcing

Days are long gone when outsourcing services were valued only to curtail production cost. Today, the term has a glorified meaning, a global phenomenon for industries to gain an upper edge vis. a vis. the end-to-end business strategy. Outsourcing application development has become a prerequisite for IT industry and has only proved beneficial as more domain experts have been roped in and efficiency and productivity has increased tremendously. This makes the equation for both, the companies availing the services and the vendors open doors for technological innovations in collaboration. The outsourcing industry worldwide is currently being ruled by developing countries like India, China, Malaysia, Brazil, and Indonesia.
According to a 2018 Statistic study, the size of the global outsourcing industry has reached $85.6 billion from $45.6 billion in just two years. For many people outsourcing is a synonym of BPO and data entry but this doesn’t stand true in the current age as there is more to outsource than just voice support and backend services. Mobile application development, mobile application maintenance, data center operations, system support, disaster recovery, network operations, database administration, web hosting, and web operations are surging outsourcing services.
As a result, over 37% of businesses are planning to outsource more application development work in the near future. The fast-evolving market has led to fierce market competition and outsourcing services has become a hope to leapfrog the competition. Some of the future outsourcing trends are predictable, while some may surprise us in the times to come.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Increasing demand for Software Development Outsourcing : Reasons

IT companies have ideas and capital to invest. But more often than not all have expertise, teams or know-how. That is when outsourcing becomes a prerequisite. Software development outsourcing has allowed businesses to hire expert staff from halfway around the world and at unusually lower costs. This has not only allowed companies to achieve complex goals with improved work quality, but also made the whole process cost-efficient with enhanced customer service. According to recent research conducted by Deloitte, software development outsourcing curtails overall production cost by 59% and helps the company focus on core activities by 47%. From an established enterprise to a start-up, organizations of every size and structure are following the outsourcing bandwagon to gain lucrative benefits by receiving exposure to a vast pool of global talent and round-the-clock services. Many companies are already benefiting from the outsourcing teams continuously working on the application modifications and enhancements. Sphinx Worldbiz offers outsourcing services for application development while also providing managed services executed by expert professionals.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Uses of Blockchain

2017 was the golden phase for cryptocurrency generated from blockchain technology. It is mind-blowing to see how a hasty increase in the demand of blockchain technology has been.  Well, the reason being that the developers found unnecessary requirement of third parties such as banks to reduce transaction fees. With higher development and research in the technology, blockchain has a far wider application today, moving beyond just transactions and cryptocurrency.

Money Transfers and Payment Processing
Typically, blockchain has been in use for transfer of digital funds or currencies from one party to another without any cyber risks. Usually, most of the transactions processed via blockchain can be completed within seconds thus making it very fast.
Retail Loyalty Rewards Campaigns
Blockchain can be used as go-to for the loyalty rewards for the customers. Create a token-based system to store the tokens within the blockchain technology to give them incentives. This will help any retailer to gain loyal customers while eliminating fraud and cumbersome paper-work.
Digital Identities
Microsoft is looking for a solution to deal with the face identity challenges. Experts at Microsoft are therefore, planning to create a decentralized digital ID to allow users a way to access their digital identities.
Data sharing
In November, Cryptocurrency IOTA launched a beta version for its data marketplace for easy trade of unused data. Therefore, blockchain can help in storing and accessing the unused data to utilize it in a better way.
Monitor Supply Chains
When it comes to monitor supply chains, blockchain has shown a remarkable scope. It will eliminate paper-based trails to make the supply chain process efficient while tracking goods in real time.
Blockchain has given developers a possibility of real time transactions, eliminating pilfering transaction fees, and transaction settlement in few seconds. Developers at Sphinx Worldbiz are working tirelessly to unfurl more scope to deal with the current and future market challenges with blockchain.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Create blockchain in 8 easy steps

Blockchain technology was announced initially as “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” by Satoshi Nakamoto in the year 2008. It is a list of transaction records known as blocks and linked together by using cryptography. In other words, blockchain is a distributed ledger and each block consists of cryptographic hash of the previous block, transaction data, and a timestamp.

Eight Steps to Make Blockchain from Scrap

#Step 1

Identify the Right Use-Case

Look for the suitable use-case complementing your business sense and needs. Get your data authenticated and verified by including encryption, and digital signatures. Use, smart asset management to include payment, exchange, escrow, issuance, and retirement payment options.

#Step 2

Identify the Right Consensus Mechanism

Once, you have opted for use-case, you need to choose the right Consensus Mechanism. Over the years, there have been multiple distributed ledger systems you can choose like Byzantine fault tolerant, Proof of stake, Round Robin, Federated consensus, and Derived PBFT.

#Step 3

Choose the Suitable Platform

Fortunately, there are many free of cost and independent blockchain platforms to use such as Chain Core, BigChainDB, Eris:db, Domus Tower Blockchain, Stellar, Symbiont Assembly, Hyperledger Sawtooth Lake, and Quorum.

#Step 4

Designing the Nodes

Blockchain solutions are distinguished into two- Permissioned (Government run land registry) and Permission-less (Where everyone can be a miner such as Bitcoin). The solutions can be private, public, and hybrid. Meanwhile, in this stage decide whether the nodes will access on premise, cloud or both. You also need to opt for base operating systems such as Debian, CentOS, Windows, Ubuntu, and Red Hat.

#Step 5

Create the Blockchain Illustration

Multiple blockchain platforms require vigilant and planned configuration that must include permissions, asset re-issuance, asset issuance, key management, native assets, address formats, and block signatures.

#Step 6

Creating APIs

Some blockchain has inbuilt APIs and some don’t. Your API must generate key pairs, and address, perform audit, authenticate data, smart asset lifecycle management and data storage and retrieval.

#Step 7

Create the Admin and User Interface

Now is the time to choose the right programming languages (JAVA, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and Solidity), front end, external databases (MongoDB, and MySQL), and severs (mail servers, Web servers, and FTP servers).

#Step 8
Infusing Future Tech

By adding biometrics, bots, artificial intelligence, cloud, data analytics, machine learning and cognitive services you can accentuate your blockchain technology.

Source: How do you make blockchain?

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Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Current trends in Big Data

Ever searched for a product or service and later seen an advertisement popping up on your Facebook news feed? If yes, then congratulations, you have been re-targeted. It shouldn’t be a surprise as companies collect data to target their audiences for better customer relations with the help of Big Data.
Big Data has gained lot of traction but, are you really clear about the meaning of these two words? How it is impacting our daily lives and why big firms are using it? To put it simply, Big Data is a large set of unorganized data that are computationally analyzed to unfurl the trends and patterns on a certain subject. From small firms to established enterprises, the process has become one of the most promising technologies of the epoch.
It is surprising to note that in every two days we create as much information as we did until 2003 and over 90% of all the data globally is created in just past two years. It is mind-blowing to see how big data is increasingly becoming the backbone of every industrial sector. Meanwhile, people are looking for the answer if big data will grow or fall behind in the coming times? Let’s dig deeper and look at the possible trends for Big Data in the coming years.
Data Silos will Continue to Boom
When Hadoop boomed five years ago, there was a possibility to consolidate all the data onto a single platform regardless its nature- analytical and transactional workloads. However, the prediction panned out in the presence of many challenges. One of the biggest challenges was the different data types that require different storage units. From relational database, HDFS, object stores to time-series databases, all have their own obstacles. Therefore, it will become complex for developers in maximizing strengths while packing all the data into one size. However, cloud data stores like Hadoop and S3 are helping companies to store their data in a cost-effective manner. But that doesn’t mean data silos will decrease especially in the absence of strong centralizing force. So, we might have to get used to it!
Enhanced Data Retention Policies
According to Carlos M. Meléndez, chief operating officer at AI consulting firm Wovenware, it is not essential to store every data forever. Only some needs storage for some time. Coming years will focus on machine learning in a way that will clean and protect the integrity of stored data. Also, it will have automated flush feature to dispose such data which is no longer needed.
Don’t worry, the data will not be lost forever. You can recover the disposed data anytime as algorithms will be scripted in a manner that the backup feature will be provided.
A CIO Showdown
 As per James Markarian, CTO of SnapLogic, “The days of forgetting that the ‘I’ in CIO stands for ‘information’ are over.” He added that CIO will not only be limited to infrastructure but will also become a process to manage and create strategies for company’s data. By the end of this year, the process will pick up steam due to digitization and data transformation.
Skills will be Proliferated as the Tech Evolves
As it requires skills and knowledge to manage and run the data in the right stream, thus in coming years, the demand for any individual who can infuse neural network into final production is expected to increase exponentially. There is plenty of scope for folks who have a good knowledge of Matlab, Scala, C, and Java but Python will continue to dominate among all the languages. Meanwhile, data engineers who know Spark, Airflow, and databases will tend to grow. Machine learning engineers will not remain behind in the Big Data world as well.
In a Nutshell
Indeed, converting huge unorganized data collections into an actionable insight is a complex task. But Big Data experts and industry big-wigs surely see keeping up with the technology to leverage information for better customer relations. Experts are analyzing legit, substantial, ethical and technical hurdles in Big Data and AI processing, but its promising benefits are difficult to ignore.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Importance Of Artificial Intelligence

We are living in the age of rapid population growth leading to demand and supply chain. The technology therefore needs a kick every now and then. Technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) – a branch of AI prove to be useful in supporting humans and dedicated human efforts through automation and imitate their work for them as if machines have used human intelligence. Thus the need for technological advancement we now call- AI!

AI makes it possible for machines to understand and learn to attempt tasks with as much precision as any human by the virtue of human experience and is highly dynamic as it can be adjusted according to human requirements. A lot of tasks are being made possible which use cerebral capacity using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing.

AI is being widely used today to steer almost all the industries and facets of life in big or small ways. Right from analytics to industrial support, there’s a bit of AI everywhere.
In a nutshell, we need Artificial Intelligence because:
  1. AI supports existing products with intelligence and support their performance by taking it several notches higher.
  2. AI redefines automation as it performs critical computerized tasks tirelessly.
  3. AI lets the data do the programming as it works through progressive learning algorithms.
  4. AI efficiently analyzes deeper information using neural networks to unravel data encrypted under several layers.
  5. It works with incredible accuracy which was earlier impossible to achieve.
  6. AI creates avenues for greater competitive advantages as it extracts the most out of simple data.   
Source: Why do we need Artificial Intelligence?

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Sunday, 1 September 2019

Types of AI

Fundamentally AI is a technology which imitates human intelligence to make machine process and respond any form of data while dedicated human efforts are reduced and the task is carried out synthetically by the machine but in a very humanly way. There are several applications of Artificial Intelligence and it can be distinguished under two heads- Type 1 & Type 2 based on its primary functions, applications and its learning stages.
Type 1- Functionality
Purely Reactive AI– The most fundamental form of AI where the machines perform based on the presently available data in the current situation using narrowed-down predefined tasks and cannot either form memories and use past experiences, nor assess the future implications. Computer games like Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing supercomputer and Google’s AlphaGo are classic and most sophisticated examples of reactive AI.
Limited Memory AI– As the name suggests, machines are capable of doing tasks but with limited memory to assess steps in the current situation as it uses data from its pre-fed history. Often cited example is the self-driving cars and chatbots trained through Machine Learning (ML).
Theory of Mind AI– This is perhaps most challenging and yet in its early development phases. This type of AI should be able to train machines to comprehend human emotions, thoughts, beliefs and expectations to imitate the same in order to become socially interactive.
Self-aware AI– This form of AI will have the machines understand and have consciousness. This is in corollary to theory of mind AI. These machines will be highly self-aware and can take decisions based on that judgement. Today humans may be far from creating such elevated form of AI but AI researchers and developers like us at Sphinx Worldbiz are dedicated to this cause aiming to make this dream a near future reality.
Type 2- Learning Stages
Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)/Narrow AI – Also known as Weak AI, at this stage machine can only perform very narrowed-down specific tasks without any ability to think or comprehend on its own. Most common examples of ANI are Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, humanoid Sophia, RankBrain, Alpha Go, etc. This will not be wrong to say that all the AI based inventions made till date are functionally at Narrow learning stage and even then are hugely benefiting businesses and industries.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)/General AI– Also known as Strong AI or Deep AI, this allows machines to think as wide, as much as humans can. Although this is futuristic scenario but according to many experts this is absolutely possible considering years of research has been dedicated to it.
Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)/ Super Intelligence– This is a stage where machines and computers surpass human intelligence and take them over. It is not a reality as of today but a highly speculative one as a lot of experts are divided between positive and negative aspects of the same.

What is the need of Artificial intelligence?

We are living in the age of rapid population growth leading to demand and supply chain. The technology therefore needs a kick every no...